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Really!"trust" the Vietnam communist, what a joke. Just few days ago they arrest an official mentioned about some people die from the Wuhan virus was cremate. You don't dare say anything, only follow the government propaganda, this day and age people still so ignorant and believe the communist, look at China how they treat the world now, and N. Korea don't even have a single case...

I came from that hell hole and my relative still live there in VN, just to let you know.

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Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

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This is a real ass hole Vietnamese communist

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1 lu cho 3 que uong mau lon se Cang ngay Cang tro nen vua ngu vua tuc toi khi Việt Nam ngay Cang phat trien. Trong khi lu 3 que thi Cang ngay Cang nhieu thang chet vi them mau lon Nhung deo con di nao cho uong mau lon

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A communist dog is still a dog.

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3 que chi biet uong mau lon Thay com nen gio cao ban phim cung them mau lon.

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If you trust the Vietnamese communist government you are most stupid person in the world. Vietnamese communist and Chinese communist are the same.

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Uong mau lon Thay com nen cao ban phim Thay cai ngu Cang nhieu

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Yes, absolutely

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Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

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Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

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Nhieu con cho Hoàng Lai nhai nhu con cac

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Still believe in commies? Wake up and smell the rose please!

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Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

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This is a panicdemic rather than a pandemic. Something to ponder about. Ok if the infected numbers are bs then would 98 million Vietnamese are infected be accurate? People who left Vietnam and turn a round at said it's a hell hole should not visit or come back to that hell hole. It's not places or countries but the thought of people that makes it a hell hole. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

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VN stands at 175/180 freedom of press. So let's "trust" what they say.

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Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

Lu cho 3 que uong mau lon.

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You're ass hole communist.

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Tao banh lon ma May ra du nat lon moi co May do thang mat day a. Deo co con cac Tao thi deo co May dau thang Khon nan.

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Jimmyjust now

Vietnam took it seriously from day 1. They didn't become complacent like the West. Credit to doctors, nurses and Vietnamese government as a whole. Though Vietnam is also a communist country, but Vietnam is so different from China's regime in many aspects. Writing from neutral consideration without biases

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